Podcast Production Excellence

Podcast Production Excellence
Online Courses For Podcasters
We now have available two online courses for podcasters. Both combine video interviews and demonstrations, with downloadable resources and practical insights. They bring together a huge amount of learning about podcast production from both a podcast show hosts and a podcast producers viewpoint. Covering interviews skills and hosting, team dynamics, guest recruitment, promotion and sponsorship.
The Podcast Process is a 10 lesson response to many of the common questions that I am asked about the start-up phase of podcast creation. It’s an onboarding guide, that covers all of the set up tasks – what the client does, what the producer does. With screen movies that demonstrate how to record your audio, how to use a microphone, remote interviews, how to deliver files to your producer, edit notes and what comes next.
This course is FREE

Podcast Like A Pro collects video interviews with experienced podcasters. We teases out expert tips from their experience of creating long running shows.
We believe in the value of practical experience and connection. So, the bones of this course come from conversations with our East Coast Studio podcasters.
Professional producer and mentor, Martin Franklin joins the dots in the trail of gold nuggets dropped by each of the guest speakers and gives guidance on the main take-aways from each interview.
There’s nothing else like this course, because there’s nothing else like the talented group of individuals whose hard won knowledge forms the backbone of this pool of learning material.
Practical experience is always the best means of learning. In this series, we collect insightful and unexpected wisdom from 6 podcast hosts. The interviews draw on what they have learned during their podcasting journey.
Each of the interviews covers a range of topics, but with a specific focus on areas where each of the guests excel.
- Finding Your Style And Approaching Sponsors
- The Host Team And Promotion Techniques
- Evergreen Content And The Guest Cycle
- The Business Mix And Sponsors
Course cost: $97
Pod Notes
These courses are a natural progression from our evolving series of blog posts on podcast production:
What difference does a microphone make ? Podcast recording tipsHow to Write Podcast Edit NotesTake Control – Podcast Interview Technique