Podcast Production Excellence

Podcast Production Excellence
Extending the Content Conversation
There’s often a sense that podcasts are separate entities that sit outside of an organisation’s wider communications or content strategy.
But viewing your podcast as an integral part, if not the hub of your messaging, will let you maximise the awesome potential to bring your key topics to life for your audience.
Audio Companion
Listen to the commentary on this article in our own Metapod podcast here:
We’re going to look at examples of using a single podcast to create:
- Audio
- Blog
- Pre-episode social post
- Post-episode social post
- Transcription
- Video

The real watch-word for this way of thinking is ‘economy’. You can make the effort that goes into producing your audio podcast episode work harder and travel further with only a modest amount of extra resourcing.
Each individual episode can be used to create a whole wave of content that can be pushed out across all of your channels. Then it’s not just the immediate audio listener-ship that generates the value for you. All of the subsequent readers and viewers who are touched by your content across all platforms will benefit.
Right away, the popular short video “audiogram” grabs give you a new piece of content for your social channels. This can announce your new or forthcoming episode but also work as content in its own right.
These great examples from episodes of the FinTalking podcast and REIQ’s Property Brief featured in their Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook feeds. Each video gained numerous views in it’s own right. They also help to direct viewers to subscribe to the audio podcast in the podcast apps.
Blog Posts & Transcription
We all know that the Google crawler likes to be fed fresh content in order to keep you ranked highly in Search. Getting an extra piece of written content for your website, crammed full of searchable names, terms, useful URL’s will give you an extra shot of SEO-juice,
A transcription of the audio conversation can not only be an aid to accessibility but also become a blog piece in it’s own right. An AI transcription of the audio is available from most podcast hosts, or services like otter.ai. With some human correction this can be presented well.
You can also use this as a basis to write around the topics of discussion. Make use of the insights of your speakers as unique quotes captured only on your production.
Here Be Treasure…
Gaining an expert opinion from guests on your podcast, and through the conversation allowing them to voice a novel thought is a huge win. You’re proving that you’re the host of the conversation in your field, where unique discussion furthers thought and understanding. So when you hit a moment like that, make sure it’s visible across all of your channels.
Another example from the FinTalking podcast where the hosts spun out the transcriptions into a separate “Insights” section on their website.
Graphic Quotes
Quotes and key statements can be presented in graphics and visual content. These can then work as informative standalone social media posts, shared on Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn.
The Net Positive podcast from email marketing guru’s Upflowy brought big gun Product Managers and Marketeers together to share pro-tips and expertise. The Upflowy content split was to use graphic tiles of quotes from the podcast on Twitter and audiograms on LinkedIn.

Here’s another great example from The Uncool Designer, Anna Dower. Anna wrote a blog post and simultaneously released her podcast episode titled “The Uncontrollable”. Both pieces of content approached the same topic in different formats.
Like an opportunity to read a book or have 20 minutes with the author. Both valuable, but different experiences

Multi Platform
Lots of podcasts are wise to this tip already, but converting your audio into a video format is not hard. Once done, you have your content available to a huge new audience on YouTube. Plus the existing audience on audio-only platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts are still getting the content they want.
Potentially an expensive undertaking, but going the extra step of actually shooting and editing your podcast recording session can be scaled according to your budget. Starting with a single camera or phone, a Zoom call and some slides right through to a full multi-camera shoot.
The Books To The Boardroom podcast used a 3 x iPad set up to shoot the recording of their podcast. A nice multi-camera edit gave the show an engaging video asset to promote the show.
Wayne Goldsmith‘s Top 10 sports podcast, Sports Thoughts takes a simple approach of animating a background over the original audio files. These video episodes gain an additional 150-500 views for each episode, with minimal extra effort.
Article Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash